Be Kind To Your Self !!

Be Kind To Your Self !!

Be Kind To Your Self !!

You are always doing the best you can with the knowledge that you currently have

If you knew better, you would do better !!

Last week on my Birthday I spent the Morning in quiet contemplation and Meditation

It’s become a subconscious tradition to have a sort of reflection and then realisation and decision process of what to focus on in the coming year and beyond

This year as last year was quite profound. If not more so and I am not going to share those realisations or decisions but what I will share because I feel it will help. Is, we are always far to hard on our selves

Always judging ourselves. berating ourselves

We could have done more, done better. Been better at ….. fill in the blanks !!!

But as Maya Angelou says

“Do The Best You Can until You Know Better. Then When You Know Better. Do Better”

But I would add without any self condemnation !! Just say “I am doing the best I can with where I currently stand and when I know more I’ll do more and do it better”

I think it is our lack of self worth. Conscious or Subconscious that is holding us back from receiving what we truly desire

When we LOVE ourselves more we open ourselves up to receive more

We are always quick to notice the things we feel we haven’t done or are not good at but we never spend any time noticing the things we have done and are awesome at.

When we plan to do A,B,C but X,Y,Z turns up unexpectedly and we do X,Y,Z because we have to and we crush it we never acknowledge

“Wow that was an unexpected curve ball and I smashed it out of the park”

We just think things like “I said I was going to do A, B, C today and I didn’t do any of it. Why am I so useless. Why can I never do what I say I am going to do. Why am I so easily distracted? I will never (fill in the blanks)”

Instead of feeling “Why Me? Think more in the terms of “Why Me? with a more inquisitive approach. ‘Why is this happening to me? Is there a message in this for?

If you approach life with an “Everything is Happening For Me. Even if I can’t see it yet kind of attitude instead of “Why is the Happening TO me?” you’ll attract far more positive results. Not to mention “Feel” a lot better about yourself into the bargain

Remember You Are Doing The Best You Can Right Now With What You Know and You Are Already Amazing and Worthy Right Where You Stand to Manifest Anything You Desire

Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself Worth

Namaste 🙏


You Can Never Start From Scratch

You Can Never Start From Scratch

I was always terrified …

I used to give up at the first hurdle of anything I ever tried …

The minute I had a knock back I gave Up …

Why Am I telling you this? …

Because it changed. I changed and I now know, we can all change regardless of Age

Nothing is set in stone

I would like to tell you some amazing epiphany happened but it didn’t

Well it did and it didn’t !!

I had the epiphany one day that … I had stopped quitting at the first hurdle

No matter how long I stopped moving forward on an intention

No matter what set backs surrounded me I had this inner drive to start again …

Always came back !!

Drove me ….

But if I am honest …

When I set and intention to do something and got really excited and motivated and life unexpectedly got in the way and days passed and I hadn’t been doing the things I said I would (even to myself) a tinge of anxiety, doubt, fear, regret. Self admonishment can niggle away in the back ground

That Shxxty little voice that berates you and tell’s you are a failure. That you never commit to anything. You never finish anything. You’ll never be successful as X Y Z so why bother.

Well here’s a secret. That Shxxty little voice doesn’t want you to change anyway

As Shxxty and painful as things maybe it likes the familiarity and the comfort of the known and wants to berate you into submission and retain “Homeostasis” and make things stay just as they are …

If you can relate to this !! Tell that Shxxty little voice “Thank You for trying to protect me but it’s going to be ok” then go within.

Take some slow deep breaths and see it as a gift that is reminding you, you are out of alignment with your true essence and know that support and guidance is ALWAYS available

What changed for me was … my Mindset !!

I was introduced to Personal Development. First in the shape of books then YouTube Video’s. Podcast’s seminars Live and Online. Challenges, Courses and Mentors …

Ironically the first book I read was “Feel The Fear & Do It Anyway” by Susan Jeffers

There is so much value out there for free today and I highly recommend you check out that book and I’ll drop below 👇

And even when things weren’t changing on the 3D surface I still kept indulging in my LOVE of Personal Development. I became addicted to it and then one day I had the realisation I wasn’t quitting any more

Regardless of what happened and or how long I had been away from working on my Definiteness of Purpose and I truly believe this happened on a subconscious level because of what I was investing into my consciousness

And now I know and trust

No matter what tries to take me off course or how long I have been away from working on my 5D reality …

I NEVER start from scratch …

I Am starting from Experience from all that information I have put into my brain

And I believe the same is for everyone …

We all have a Definiteness of Purpose even if we have had the time to tap in to it “YET” and none of us are starting from scratch even if we think we haven’t even started yet because ….

Things we never thought relevant were setting us up for our Purpose

When Steve Jobs dropped out of college he started dropping in on classes he actually felt drawn to and wanted to take part in

One of them was Calligraphy and he famously quotes we can only connect the dots looking back not looking forward and years later when he was creating the Mac he attributes that class that seemed meaningless but interesting at the time is what inspired him to add the option of so many beautiful fonts that we take for-granted today

So consider this “Where Ever You are Today. You are Not Starting from Scratch. You are Starting from Experience and You Do Truly have a Purpose you Just have to Take Time to Go Within and Ask for Guidance of how to Bring that forward from the 5D into the Your’s and everyone else’s 3D reality because whatever it is …. It is here to serve the world and not bringing it into the light is doing the World a Disservice !!!

Namaste 🙏


We All Have Bill’s To Pay …

We All Have Bill’s To Pay …

“We all have bills to pay”

Don’t be fooled by what you see in your current reality

No one knows what’s going on behind the scenes

Working on my dream while working for someone to build there’s

No shame !!!

I’ll explain more later …

There’s a quote by Farrah Gray that says :-

“Build Your Own Dreams, or Someone will Hire You to Build Theirs”

There are a lot of people hired to help build other people’s dreams or the world wouldn’t function

Some people don’t feel compelled to change the world and that’s ok 👌

What we don’t see when we see super successful people that are now worth probably multiple millions is. And I know for a fact, some people were working job’s that were contributing to building other people’s dreams while they were starting out on their’s

Several jobs at once in some cases until Their dream became profitable enough that they felt secure enough financially to let them go …

I don’t see that as selling out. I see it as Savvy

This quote can seem negative and come across as a be all or end all (I know that’s not quite the correct sentence but I was making a point)

Perhaps it should be “Build Your Own Dreams whilst working for other people who dared to go for theirs until it’s time to go it alone” or words to that effect

It’s easier for me to tell me people I let my Brick n Mortar business go because of Covid-19 and yes there is no doubt it was dramatically effected by Covid but I had a vision for something long before Covid and I knew I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life spinning my wheels being landlocked and constantly trading time for money

I see the events leading up to me letting it go were simply steps towards the manifestation of my Ultimate Desire

I made some decisions that seemed right at the time to move things forward but in reality they didn’t work out to serve my plan as I envisioned they would but that’s ok ….

Inside nothing changed. The Big Picture Reality Remains the same

I just had to Pivot and move on to the next step ….

Then in March I underwent an unexpected shift following taking part in a Regan Hillyer Activation

I went through what could only be described as a “Transformative Experience”

I saw life events line up like dots showing me their purpose but also showed me they were only a tool to serve a Higher Purpose

Then …

But then I felt this shift. I felt I had outgrown everything I had ever created and everything I thought was significant was merely a beautiful stepping stone to something more ????

At first I thought I was stripping back but now it is more like a strip out …

I have stopped creating anything until I align and act from Inspiration

Thankfully I am employed now because we all have bills to pay

Being employed by someone who had a vision and implemented it has in no way meant I have given up on my Big Picture Reality

It’s given me the Freedom to be flexible and reassured life’s necessities are taken care of and I don’t feel forced to create anything that is out of alignment for fear of not paying the Bills

And you can do the same

Never give up on your dream just because you work for someone who built there’s

This is an All and Everything Life … not an all or nothing !!!

I feel inspired to write this post because nobody know what is going on behind the scenes

Shortly after I started this new role I came face to face with someone who previously knew me in a very senior Managerial Position and sarcastically looked me up and down and said “Living the Dream I see’

And I replied “Yes I am Am” with a big Smile because I know I am

Working currently serves a means to an end and I actually enjoy it and the time goes really fast and it also allows me lots of free time to follow one Inspired Action after Another until I eventually catch up with my Big Picture Reality and the next and the next ….

I have caught up with and manifested one Big Picture Reality after another but to an on looker it may look I haven’t manifested much … (Yet !!)

it was just that those Big Picture Realities were a lot smaller in stature so may not seem like I manifested anything but now my BPR’s are absolutely massive and while in this 3D reality it looks like nothing has changed …

I know from previous experiences “Manifestation Miracles” happen in the most unexpected ways at the least expected times in the most Miraculous Ways usually with little help from me

My part is to hold the Faith in the Yet Unseen even when what is seen looks nothing like my current Big Picture Reality that I focus on Everyday

My suggestion to use is ….

DON’T Focus on “What Is”, Focus on What You Truly Desire to the Exclusion to All Else that You Currently See but Be Grateful for it all because it All serves a Purpose even if it doesn’t feel like it.

“Life is Happening for Us, Not to Us”

I still have my digital products available and they may actually be the perfect thing for someone reading this right now for where they are in their journey

For me they are in maintenance mode and I could tweak them if I so wished but I cannot add to them which suits me fine

It is the dawning of a New Era …

A New Era of Creation and I am excited and Open for it ALL !! 🔥

#theloalover #lawofattraction #manifestation


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The Naked Truth About Aging

Hi Fabulous

I just wanted to check in with you and see how you’re 2024 is going and how things are manifesting for you

I don’t know if you have ever heard of Iris Apfel? She was a legendary lady that to be honest I only became aware of because of the internet and social media.

Iris passed away yesterday at 102 and a half

I added the half because I saw a post on her social media page on leap year day that that was her half birthday so I was a little surprised when only a few hours later I saw this picture

You only have to look at this picture to see she was not your usual senior citizen.

She was a multifaceted entrepreneur spanning several genres and was very artistic and shared her vision for design in her fashion sense and jewellery taste and there was definitely nothing beige about Iris but what was one of the most inspiring things for me was she was signed by a Modelling Agency at 97!!

90 fricking 7

She broke the mould and definitely was willing to embrace the era we are currently living in and I know ….

There are people out there who say they are to old in their 30’s and 40’s.

I don’t know what age you are reading this now but imagine if you definitely knew you would live to 102 how many decades does that mean you still have left in front of you?

I guessing. That means you are probably not even half way yet but if you are an employee that means you will be living long after your retirement age.

How do you feel about that?

Do you actually feel financially you will be able to retire?

I see and hear more and more about people that simply cannot afford to retire or they have to retire from their regular job and then seek new employment with companies willing to take on people past retirement age like super markets and superstores

What does that prospect make you feel like.

Seeing this reality for more and more and thinking about my own age has changed my mission and focus slightly

The last few years I have been very focused on showing people age is irrelevant. We are living in the best time in history to actually start doing what we love and creating an income from it leveraging the internet

And how it can actually be free to start and fit around current responsibilities and obligations

Obligations now that’s a word

Who wants to be obligated to anything?

Now I am more motivated to still promote and support the above but I am now more motivated focused and passionate about showing and teaching people what is possible to be able flow into retirement effortlessly without fear and waking up happy knowing money is still coming in and the potential to create even more income streams into retirement to create location and financial freedom

I even love the idea of supporting people to be able to create income streams that surpass their current salary and be able to bomb off their boss even before they get to retirement age

I had learned of Iris’s passing just after recording an episode of my podcast The Fab Over Forty Show from my bed (almost naked) and immediately felt inspired to jump on and record another episode in a way in homage to Iris and say I am here to help show people how they can be more like Iris and embrace life right to the end and wake up happy instead of living a life of quiet desperation as the saying goes.

I’ve put a link to the episode below and The Fab Over Forty Show can be found on most platforms and even YouTube which the I shared below because I think that platform is the most accessible for most people

Uploading episodes to YouTube is something quite recent for me so not every episode is on that platform but Fab Over Forty is on Spotify, Apple etc if you feel so inclined to listen to more back episodes and have a little binge.

I put in the show notes how I can help you and how to get in contact me but as you are seeing this via my blog just leave a comment and we can have a little chat either by email, message or zoom or you can just join the and learn techniques for this new era at your own pace but I know

And I am 100% confident I have a knack for tapping into what makes people tick and showing how that can be utilised and monetised for their benefit because I know most people are so busy they have simply forgotten or have never explored what they are most Passionate about and with 121 support from me can unearth that.

Heck I can even do the tech stuff for you !!! 🔥

So what are you waiting for???

Are you ready to manifest more in Mother Fxxking 2024 because I know I am

Hit me up and say Hi 👋

It will probably be the best decision you ever made 😉

Speak soon

Ali P aka The Law of Attraction Lover xoxo


The Art of Surrendering: Exploring Ho’oponopono as a Path to Inner Peace

The Art of Surrendering: Exploring Ho’oponopono as a Path to Inner Peace

The Art of Surrendering: Exploring Ho’oponopono as a Path to Inner Peace


In the fast-paced and often chaotic world we live in, finding inner peace can feel like an elusive goal. As we navigate the challenges of daily life, it’s not uncommon to accumulate stress, resentment, and emotional baggage. However, the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono offers a unique and powerful approach to achieving inner harmony through surrendering and forgiveness.

Understanding Surrender:

Surrendering is not a sign of weakness; rather, it’s a courageous act of releasing control and allowing the natural flow of life to guide us. In the context of Ho’oponopono, surrendering involves letting go of the need to be right, releasing judgments, and accepting responsibility for our own experiences.

In my 5 Step Framework The G.R.E.A.T Formula™️ I talk about responsibility. Sometimes it is something we want to avoid, but it is like trying to drive a car in park if we avoid it but if we take responsibility it is like taking the brakes off. It actually gives us power and that’s why I resonated to Ho’Oponopono so much and studied to become an Advanced Practitioner in this ancient art.

Ho’oponopono: A Brief Overview:

Ho’oponopono, rooted in traditional Hawaiian spirituality, is a profound practice that centres around reconciliation and forgiveness. The word itself can be broken down into two parts: “ho’o,” meaning to make, and “pono,” meaning right. Together, Ho’oponopono can be translated to “to make right.”

At its core, Ho’oponopono is a process of making things right within ourselves, our relationships, and our world. Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len, a modern proponent of Ho’oponopono, popularised a simplified version of the practice that involves repeating four powerful phrases: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.”

The Four Phrases:

1. “I’m sorry”: Acknowledge and take responsibility for the challenges or disharmony present in your life, even if you don’t fully understand their origins.

2. “Please forgive me”: Express a sincere desire for forgiveness, recognizing the need to heal and release the negative energy associated with the situation.

3. “Thank you”: Cultivate gratitude for the opportunity to address and rectify the imbalances in your life. Gratitude has the power to transform our perception and open the door to positive change.

4. “I love you”: Embrace the unconditional love that transcends judgement and separation. This phrase is a recognition of the interconnectedness of all things and the healing power of love.

The Power of Surrender in Ho’oponopono:

Surrender is an integral aspect of Ho’oponopono, as it involves letting go of ego-driven desires, control, and the need to assign blame. By surrendering to the process, individuals open themselves to the transformative power of forgiveness, paving the way for inner peace and healing.

Benefits of Ho’oponopono:

1. **Inner Peace**: Ho’oponopono facilitates the release of internal conflicts, allowing individuals to experience a profound sense of inner peace.

2. **Improved Relationships**: By practising forgiveness and taking responsibility for our experiences, Ho’oponopono can mend and strengthen relationships.

3. **Emotional Healing**: The practice helps individuals heal emotional wounds, liberating them from the burden of past traumas and negative emotions.

4. **Increased Self-Awareness**: Surrendering in Ho’oponopono involves self-reflection, leading to heightened self-awareness and personal growth.


In 2010 I fully embraced the philosophy of the Law of Attraction and it had a profound effect on me and I still believe there is a place for it but I feel the earth is evolving and Transitioning and it is time to take things to another level.

The Law of Attraction can be used to manifest specific material items and experiences but this methodology is based mainly in physical solitary practices created and carried out by the individual that are focused on singular specific detailed outcomes that can feel like work to manifest but creation does not have to be a solitary practice.

Many people found/find themselves frustrated with the Law of Attraction and feel it doesn’t work. The Law of Attraction is a natural law and is always working but we subconsciously take on programming from society that create blocks in our unconscious and create negative thought processes that create fear, anxiety and doubt that stop our ability to achieve the harmonious lives we desire.

In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, the ancient wisdom of Ho’oponopono provides a refreshing perspective on surrendering and forgiveness that can release these blocks.

By embracing the power of these four simple phrases, and repeating them as often as possible individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. The art of surrendering through Ho’oponopono ultimately leads to a more harmonious and fulfilling life, both within ourselves and in our interactions with the world around us.

Prior to my coming into contact with Ho’Oponopono I became aware in my own practices and experiences with The Law of Attraction that things I tried to manifest myself were often hard and often afflicted by what I called “Curveballs” but whenever I surrendered. Consciously or Subconsciously then the Universe (as I like to call it but Dr Hew Len liked to call it Divinity) would manifest something so miraculously amazing and so perfect and beyond my wildest imaginings in such an unbelievably effortless way I knew there was something undoubtedly more than meets the eye to this thing we call Human existence.

Maybe that’s why when I became aware of Ho’Oponopono it resonated to me so much.

It’s in the surrendering we allow the Divinity that’s in us. That is closer than our own breath to bring us inner harmony in a way we can never perceive or create with our physical perspective alone.

Now is the time to move beyond the struggles of Manic Manifesting and move into the art of

“Surrendered Manifesting” 

Surrender and allow the UNIVERSE to guide us to what is more perfect for us than anything we can ever imagine …

Now is the time to Surrender and listen to and act upon the Aligned Actions steps whispered to us by our Divine Self. The Highest Embodiment of our Natural Being.

For my favourite tips and tricks on Ho’Oponopono and the Law of Attraction head on over to and take advantage of it’s free trial.

Namaste 🙏🏻


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Thank You

Use BS as rocket fuel to transport you towards your dreams

Bothered by other peoples Bull Sxxt?

Good 👍

Not gonna lie, being spoken to like Dog, Do Do unnecessarily or a passing unwarranted passive aggressive comment will most likely wrankly for a bit

And let’s face it, whenever is being spoken to like excrement or passively aggressively ever  expected, necessary or warranted? So yes it will smart a little ….

But be smart about it ASAP !!

Instead of brooding on it or plotting your revenge

Serious Neg Abundance Blocking Energy

Use Ho’Oponopono and say “Thank You, I Love You” 🥰  (repeatedly if necessary, sorry advisabley)

Am I nuts?

(Probably, but not for this reason)

Forgiveness is one of , if not the Highest Form of Vibration. Even more than Gratitude

It’s been tested, people have had their brains wired up everything and the results were profound and Personal progress was made where before none could be achieved regardless of whatever Personal Development they undertook thanks to the act of Forgiveness

Maybe that is why “Please Forgive Me” is one of the Four main Ho’Oponopono phrases because really there is no “out there”.

Maybe being disrespected is a message to remind you to respect yourself more or that you are not in the best environment for ‘You’ and that you are playing small and deserve better and in this BS situation it is a gift because we can all play small and get complacent at times.

It can also be the superbooster you need to jet propel you towards your dreams

If you find yourself in this situation use it as a catalyst to say “You know what. Enough is enough. I don’t deserve this and I am going to ….” fill in the blank for whatever you desire to do be or have but have been drifting on or never actually taken action on before

Indecisiveness is the killer of dreams but a dream or goal cannot be killed if you never quit.

It’s ok and it’s common to drift. Let life get in the way but use the BS as a trigger button to jolt you back into the present moment and say “oh yes, I forgot myself for a time there. Where was I? What was I doing? Where do I want to go? Do? Achieve?

Not even sure you know what you want? 98% of the World Population don’t apparently according to the book I am immersing myself in at the moment.

No problem 😉

Let the BS be the reminder you need to say now is the time to find out because “WE ALL” have a purpose and start to be one of the 2%

Nobody needs to know and on the surface for a while it will look like nothing has changed but as my favourite quote says

“Once You Make a Decision The Universe Conspires to Make it Happen” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

In my Law of Attraction Club I have an exercise called “Switch it To Ditch It”

I used this very exercise for myself once I heard about it and everything I wrote down has manifested in a very short space of time but I admit I have been guilty of drifting too and that’s why I have been probably getting my own BS button triggered so it’s time to do a new updated version of “Switch it to Ditch” It for myself and I have started using my own form of BS

Marie Forleo’s B-School

As a B School Alumni I can take B School at any time for any project old or new but B School is currently running a Live Summer School version and I intended to start it but as can normally happen it is currently on week 3 and I hadn’t started until today

Today I used BS to propel me to start B~School because one of the first things I learned from B~School is

There is no behind in B~School and there is no behind in whatever you desire as long as you decide to just keep going and not quit

Most importantly “Don’t Quit on Yourself because in reality we are all made of Stardust capable of Infinite Possibilities”

If you want to know more about the LOA Club just click on the link below

Law Of Attraction Lover Club

PS: I will be dropping some new modules on Ho’Oponopono and EFT in there shortly as I am an Advanced Ho’Oponopono and Law of Attraction Practitioner if you are not aware as soon to be an EFT Practitioner

Namaste 🙏


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Have You Forgotten Your Unicorn?

Have You Forgotten Your Unicorn?

Somebody’s forgot their Unicorn was a sentence I heard come through my window this morning and it made me think…. 🦄

When I listen to peoples self talk and talk in general most people have forgotten their Unicorn’s and wonder why there is no sparkle ✨ in life

When most people start a conversation it’s all about their problems and then that sets of a pattern of conversations and it usually goes around and around and around but this merry go round is no fun 🎠

But this is no accident. This habit was set up to make us drift from our Unicorn filled lives 🦄

Don’t fall into this Devilish trap 😈

The key is simple ‼️

Learn to observe your language and your thoughts 💭

Learn to monitor your language and your thoughts 💭

Learn to change your language and your thoughts 💭

Learn to Master your language and your thoughts 💭

Over and over again until it becomes a Positive Hypnotic Rhythm of habit instead of a Negative Hypnotic Rhythm of habit 🎶

Because 🤔

No thought, word or feeling is wasted 🙇‍♀️

They are like prayers 🙏🏻

Of what is wanted and unwanted radiating out into the world to bring you back it’s equivalent and if the language is negative it will attract more negative 📣

Over and over and over again 😢

We are all powerful beings of light with the power to attract back Unicorns all day long 🦄 but that power is dangerous and devilish when not monitored 😈

Be the Master of Your Fate, the Captain of Your Own Soul as the Poem goes ⛵️

Namaste 🙏🏻

#unicorn #mindset #NapoleonHill


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Stop !! Think Before You Act !!

I called it, unfortunately ‼️

For the longest time I wanted to speak out

Shout out ‼️ Just stop it ‼️

Just this week I saw a post my another Hustler hospitalised and struck down by illness

Last night I saw a post by a person who instigated me to want to scream stop 🛑 and to be honest it did slightly annoy me …

Well maybe more than a little or I wouldn’t be inspired to write this post

I’m not shutting up anymore

The other day I received a message of an area I should focus on

That message didn’t come while I was hustling

It didn’t come while I was grinding from hard work

It came because I was aligned and it happened with no effort from me

The person that motivated me to write this post wrote in there’s since having a serious diagnosis it’s caused them to reevaluate life and there was a tinge of sadness as they acknowledged going after an accumulation of awards and for no other good reason but to win. To be the best but at what cost

But more to the point … what motivation

They saw lots of late nights. Early mornings and sacrifice

I see so much wasted time that they could have been appreciating a life they now so clearly value but put off until later

And now all they want to do is keep living but subconsciously their send off sentence was still tinged with hustle and grind and inspiring others to do the same

That’s what P’d me off 😱

This person has spent years encouraging others to hustle and grind. Work long days (and nights) and sacrifice time with loved ones for rewards later and nowhere have I ever seen them apologise to the people they have led along the way. There way ‼️ who have probably equally sacrificed and experienced stress and guilt for not living up to or experienced that persons level of success

Stress and guilt are out of alignment with our true nature and anything out of alignment with our true nature causes Dis-ease in our bodies

Read that again…

Anything out of alignment with our true nature causes DISEASE ‼️ in our bodies

And what’s happening to the Hustlers and Grinders ⁉️

What’s happening to this person ⁉️

I previously read what’s motivated them ⁉️

It didn’t pass me by previously reading that while having some holistic forms of treatment they got to a route cause of always hustling

After experiencing poverty as a child no matter how rich they got they feared if they stopped the money would run out and they feared returning to poverty so they just kept hustling whatever the cost

There Health was the cost ‼️

I appreciate this was subconscious but at the same time they subconsciously pulled a lot of people along their fear based journey

Thanks to my Divine Download I know what work was afoot here and now it’s my work to raise awareness and Inspire a more Faith Based Approach to a fulfilling life without Fear

Faith in the yet unseen. Faith in always being supported. Faith over Fear

Namaste 🙏🏻


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Are You Listening To The Whispers of Your Soul

Happy Monday !! Question is are you going to waste this one? This Week? This Year?

Are you just going to drift? Or are you going to listen to the whisper of your soul and create an impact?

After a weekend of celebrations and one where my level of tolerance for bull sxxt hit capacity I Am grateful for it all because I trust that everything is happening for a reason (even the unpleasant things) to keep calling us forward towards the true desires of our souls and help us avoid drifting

What do I mean by drifting (from a self confessed drifter)

I followed Inspired Guidance the other day and used my audible credit to get the audio version of “Outwitting The Devil” by Napoleon Hill

Probably the best book I have ever read and impacted me the most but ironically I stopped reading it despite promising myself I wouldn’t and stopped following the advice and started drifting and allowed myself to act from fear instead of Faith, subconsciously I may add but that’s the devils plan and it takes effort to retrain our brains away from the Devils work

It’s unsure if Hill believed he was having a actual conversation with a/the Devil or using the term Devil as a euphemism for the unpleasant truth of our destructive practices that take us away from Joy and Abundance and our natural state

Procrastinating, alcohol, cigarettes, food, inconsiderate people and behaviours that cause frustration and now social media etc are all addicted behaviours that can distract us dull our senses and cause us to drift away from conscious thought and therefore conscious creation

Conscious thinking is the greatest adversary to the Devil 👿

I have up levelled my level of tolerance aka up scales my standards of what I believe I deserve and will no longer tolerate


I am using Ho’OPonoPono and now combining that with EFT to focus my attention on my conscious thoughts and desires rather than being distracted by the Devil and drift

You may or may not know I became a Certified Advanced Ho’OPonoPono Practitioner in April and now I am training to add EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy/Technique) to this practice as I feel intuitively they are very aligned

My wish for you on this Monday is that these words may inspire you to ask “I Am drifting? And what is my soul whispering to me to do be and have”

Namaste 🙏🏻


Beware of False Gurus

So I have been thinking about expressing my feelings on this subject for along time and honestly because the people whose advice turned my stomach were far more successful and wealthier than me (or are they) imposter syndrome struck and I thought who would listen to me over them? So I ignored the callings of my heart over and over again until eventually and unfortunately what I felt intuitively came to pass and is actually still coming to pass even today so I cannot hold it in any longer.

I was Shocked by The author of one of my favourite books admitting how they have had felt in their new book

Their book I mentioned I have referred to multiple times when I have felt out of alignment and in their “New book” I learned in their own words that at the time of writing what I felt a work of spiritual genius for me, they were calling themselves a piece of shit and there was a lot of self loathing

I know millions of people love this person and are one of the most profound Spiritual Gurus of our times

Who knew while we followed their wisdom inside they had so much disregard for themselves

I also became aware of one of my Own mentors who had prescribed a certain method of working who I actually had resonated away from slightly because of their methodology was now completely going through a turnabout and promoting a different perspective after life threw them massive health issue curveballs

Then someone else who I was actually familiar with and actually deeply concerned about and the message they were spreading. I saw a post about I think honestly I suspected would come but here was the evidence I hoped not to see of a diagnosis of a serious illness

And so it goes on

Someone else I know of who promoted a work ethic, business building methodology I could no longer resonate to only recently has posted admitting their method got them rich in money but poor in time and then followed up by another post admitting to multiple health issues and how they regret being so busy they ignored the signs

I could actually go on but these examples are enough to express the motivation for this content

All of these people are very successful and wealthy. I say again but are they?

I resonated away from their hard work ethic and the reason why …..

Because intuitively I uncomfortable around their suggested work practices

It didn’t allow for fun. Relaxation and quality time with loved ones etc

Ok your bank accounts maybe full with millions but at what cost?

If it were all to end tomorrow what memories had they made

Because of this I changed my work practices. Which in turn took away a lot of guilt

I decided whenever my partner was around I downed tools on building my business and focused on us and shared activities even if that was snuggling up and watching a series on Netflix which in some areas with certain members of the areas I discussed above was a huge no, no.

Even having a TV was a swear word if you wanted to have a successful business and forget time with loved ones. Just explain that if they want you to be successful and wealthy and enjoy the trappings of wealth they have to sacrifice time with you now for enjoyment later were their cries but what if.

What If you suddenly or someone you love suddenly gets struck down by a severe illness or God forbid a bus what do you want them to remember you for ….

18 hour days 7 days a week or that box set you shared and discussed about afterwards and the time you were cuddled up watching it and the memory of when they gently kissed you on the forehead out of nowhere for no particular reason or the Santorini sunset you shared together ?

All actual experiences I have had plus many more and my relationship is stronger for it and it continues to grow with even more shared memory making experiences however I haven’t given up on my business goals and dreams

I am just going through a transition of my personal journey of how I create that business in the most joyful, blissful way possible and set an example of how others can achieve the same from expressing their gifts

Wealth is not just money in the bank because your wealth bank can be running on empty if the physical bank accounts are full but your emotional bank accounts are empty of beautiful experiences, memories and bankrupt of fulfilling relationships

I have to admit Because these people were very successful with very full physical bank accounts I thought I should follow their advice but gradually I kept hitting roadblocks and feel ever increasing discomfort physically every time I tried to follow their advice

What changed ….

I started to listen to and trust my true feelings which was to step away from their advice

I went inside to ensure I didn’t go without but I, in all honestly felt no one would listen to my methodology due to the lack of evidence of my own success

But it is interesting to see now and also concerning to see how many people followed their methodologies to the extent of sacrifice only for their (my previous) gurus to suddenly have a change of Faith and what changed their belief systems ?

In most cases …. Serious health issues

I am not grateful they had to go through such serious trauma to get their awakening but I am grateful that they are now realigning to a more healthy, fulfilling way of operating that fills all their bank accounts. Spiritual, Emotional and Physical

I would rather align with my Heart first and then follow Divine Guidance of how to express myself most authentically in Faith that the Highest Version of me that is calling to me and I, will shake hands in the near future one beautiful soul experience at a time along the journey

One of the people whose advised practices really turned my stomach but had so many ardent fans who has gone through and is still recovering from serious illness who is thankfully taking some time to use holistic methods to heal admitted that through one of those practices came to see that the reason they worked such longer hours and inadvertently advocated that method so virulently was because after experiencing childhood poverty deep down regardless of how wealthy they were was scared if they stopped working they would run out of money

I have to say I deeply admired they admitted this publicly but as I mentioned I have been feeling this for a long time and started compiling this blog post a long time ago and I ignored my intuition that eventually proved right and my intuition is telling me by their current posts they are still not healed from this negative belief and I am concerned that illness will return because there is a pattern there that is subconsciously using their current situation to use their old vehicle of attracting business and making money

That’s why I say beware of false gurus

I have to say at this point I do not blame any of these people

They had no idea what they were doing

They had no idea what was motivating them


Because their work and business methods yielded such positive results and they deeply care for people and wanted them to experience wealth and success to they understandably stood loud and proud and said “Follow Me, Do This. This Works. This Will Help You” because bottom line they are deeply compassionate caring people to the detriment to their own health and needs

False Gurus is a massive statement to make but what I mean by False Gurus is genuine people, believing in what they are selling but to the detriment to their Health and Wellbeing and the Health and Wellbeing of others because they don’t know what is truly motivating them until they probably have to face a dark night of the soul because they have been far to busy working they haven’t given themselves time to listen to the callings of their hearts so they are selling one message on the outside but on the inside the message could be completely different which they are most likely drowning out with activity

As I mentioned above I have literally read in the last 24 hours of writing this someone admit they have ignored signals from their body because they were to busy working (and telling multiple people to work this same way) and they are now facing multiple health issues and are imploring people to not ignore the signs

When we are out of Alignment with our true source we are sending cortisol around our bodies and leaving ourselves open to stress related illnesses and all sorts of ailments. In actuality aliments are nature’s alarm system to warns us we are out of balance with our true selves. Fear is also an alarm system but instead of asking ourselves what is it trying to tell us we block it out with Drink, Alcohol, Cigarettes …. work !!

I have a vision myself of a business method I truly want to build but I decided to stop and stop worrying basically about the how and come off the Level 2, Level of Consciousness “By Me” and listen to my Heart and follow one Inspired Action step after one Inspired Action step after another and surrender to the outcome and forget timelines and deadlines and walk in Faith of the yet unseen becoming physical

If this article Inspires You to do anything I hope it is Stop !! Take a breath and listen to Your Soul Speaking to You

See where you have been ignoring it

Give it an opportunity to Say something

Give yourself permission “Not” to take “Any” action

Give Yourself “Time” to recalibrate and realign and listen again

I am learning more and more that our Hearts are the Seat of Our Soul and that “WE ALL” have a gift to share with the world and to access that gift lay’s within.

Within our Heart

Our Hearts will never lie to us when we give it space to speak

As a recently certified Advanced Ho’Oponopono Practitioner I really enjoyed about learning the process of Dr Joe Vitale that does speak to my heart

  • Inspiration
  • Intention
  • Clearing
  • Trust it to unfold

Before taking any action do something to allow pure Inspiration to come through. Meditate, walk, music. Something joyful to raise your vibration and get to what is called in Ho’Oponopono Zero.
The place of nothingness. No thought. Pure potentiality and where we were before we allowed other people’s opinions, experiences and beliefs to cloud our vision.

In this place of high vibration we are open to Inspiration

When a thought drops in. An inspired idea set the Intention for it to manifest.

Do some kind of clearing. It could be breath work or repeating the Ho,Oponopono Prayer “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you”

Take any inspired actions that come to mind. Call that friend, visit that place etc and then trust it to unfold

Rinse repeat

When I say rinse repeat I mean it on two levels

Rinse repeat taking some regular time, every day if possible but don’t berate yourself if you miss a day. We all get those unforeseen’s. Even for a few seconds to take, for example some slow deep breaths and then see if any ideas or action steps come to mind or even ask your Heart “What will do have me do?” and follow Guidance. Even if nothing comes it is always beneficial to start making time to just “Stop”. The more you “Stop” the more Your heart has opportunities to come to You.


Rinse repeat taking time to have a date with your Soul or Your Ultimate self. Those desires of your heart are your soul calling to you come over here because Your Ultimate self is already there, living that life you desire otherwise you wouldn’t feel them. They just wouldn’t resonate with You. Sitting quietly taking some slow breaths through the nose. Holding for a few seconds and then releasing with your mouth open, dropping the jaw as you exhale can connect back into your Heart and then allow the Vision of Your Hearts to Desire to Manifest on Your Mental Screen

The more you date Your Ultimate Self You will eventually ….

Live the life You truly desire. Not the life of some False Guru self who doesn’t know they are living and acting out of Fear instead of Faith !!


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